The Chinese gave us Taoism, Russia gave us Communism and democracy fleeced the free world.
The -isms that bind everyday life with politics that disgust citizens more so now than ever before, dampens not the need to be in the know about what goes on in the local KDM or Ilembe Council Chambers on a micro level to parliament on a macro level.
From the councillor with the silver togue to the yes man, to the visionary, to the silver tongued pugilist, the public can attend and listen in on the conversations i.e. politicking. The Tao or loosely translated principles of politics don’t belong to any perceived elite.
The more we as public reps bring the unfiltered awareness of the council and portfolio committee meetings en masse, then surely citizens will desist from the cliche’s in asking: “What did my councillor do for me?” or saying “all politicians are corrupt.”
A civilian understanding of the so-called South African politics with all its ironies and modalities can usurp the tide of corruption that resembles the layers of an onion (including the burning sensation that brings tears).
We are playing oversight for citizens. A citizen’s understanding is the Tao to the politics. – Cllr Vernon Pillay, KwaDukuza.
The following letter appeared in the North Coast Courier newspaper (30 March 2018), in the print edition. The above content was then enhanced for SEO, without editing the content.